Saturday, January 29, 2011

vis! vis!

Dear Papa,

Today we went out for dinner and missed the chance to skype with Papa.
There is a big tank in the restaurant and I kept on saying 'vis! vis!'.

Mama was very surprised to hear what I said, she taught me to say that
when we saw the fish swimming in the pond in the Japanese garden.

But Yi Zheung told me that was not fish, that was called xia or prawn.

Papa do you like my outfit today? The white pants is from Hao Yuen, my cousin in Singapore.

I don't like to sit on the high chair for too long. I asked Mama to 'bao bao' (carry me) so that I can get out of the chair. It is so boring. I want to run around.




emielkoole said...

Hi Piet

I really like your new pants. happy to see you still fit into your special shirt :) and doesn't mama look beautiful?


P en mama said...

Dear Papa,

The special shirt is actually quite tight. Mama said I properly couldn't wear it anymore in two weeks.

Mama smiles when she heard your sweet words.