Wednesday, June 23, 2010



It is so sad to say goodbye. After one month, the journey finally came to the end. When I took photos for my parents and Piet at the airport, through the view finder I can sense the sadness of my parents. How they wish they can hold Piet for another minute, another hour or another month.

I told Piet we were leaving, I was not sure if he understood what it meant. When we turned around and walking towards the counter of the custom, I could see Piet's eye looking afar, wondering how come grandpa, grandma and uncle were not coming along. My heart did shake a little when I caught this expression on Piet's face.

However, the past four weeks was a wonderful journey. I was really happy me and Piet have spent a great deal of time together with my family. When I look back, all these precious moments and memories would put a smile on my face.

Thanks for following our journey in the past month. It is also time to for us say goodbye here, this will be the last post for the blog. : ) Kisses from me and Piet.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Good bye..Ipoh (girls)!

Dear Papa,

I am a bit sad to leave Ipoh today because I will miss the beautiful girls here. Wherever I go, the beautiful girls always stare and smile at me. Sometimes I wonder why they like me so much.


Then they will not be able to resist anymore and ask Mama if they can take a picture with me.

Of course, I will always tell Mama she is the most beautiful of all. This is what she likes to hear.


Ok Papa, when I come back I will show you how to kick the ball, how to climb up the chair and how I can hold and stand with one hand.

I love you Papa.

Kisses from Piet

(Time flies and today is our last day in Ipoh. This afternoon we will go to Kuala Lumpur and stay over for one night. On Monday evening we will take the flight to Amsterdam. )

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Something new about piet

Tonight we discovered something NEW about Piet.

Watch the video first.

Papa and Opa must be over the moon and feeling really proud! hahaha! :) Well, I dont' know...perhaps most baby can do this too?

We discovered this by chance, we hold him up walking as usual and at some point he came across the ball on the floor, he just aimed at the ball and kicked it by instinct!

He then giggled out loud and kept on 'chasing' the ball for another 10 minutes until we all get really tired. (except him)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

He understands

Piet can now understand two different phrases in Chinese. 'Wave hands' (hui shou) and 'cover your eyes' (gai shang yan jing) . So much joy to see him responding to the words.

Dear E, I am sure you will be amazed to see how much he had grown in 4 weeks.

kisses from Piet & YY


My sister's birthday


It was my sis's birthday on the 13th June. Her birthday is just two days after Anna's.

My dad and his two daughters : )

Morning walk

Piet recently always wake up at around 6.30am. I let him play in the room and crawl around(I am still sleepy!). If I am still lying on the bed, he will keep on climbing on me or start pulling my hair until I am fully awake!

I don't mind waking up early, the air is cool and fresh in the morning. Best time to go out for a walk! Since last Friday every morning at 7.30am I took him out for a walk in the nearby field. There are always some older ladies doing morning exercise like Tai Chi or dance on the field. This is also where my mum exercise every morning.

Ipoh is a small city surrounded by beautiful mountains. At the back of my parent's home, there is a school with large field with a view of the beautiful mountain. I am always amazed by the shape and the colour of the mountain, they look different everyday. This photo was taken in the morning at around 7.30am.

Piet and his cousins

My niece and my nephew returned to Singapore today. Their school will start again next week. It was so lovely to see how they interact and play with Piet. Kids always have their own way communicating with others. I can feel Piet truly enjoy their companion.



Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Piet & Mama

My friend Tham took a really nice portrait of Piet. (Papa, can you see my hair is much longer now?!)

And he also took two really nice photos of me and Piet.



Here are my good friends from KL.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Friends from Hong Kong

Sorry for not updating the blog for a while. I was really busy with visitors! First two good friends from Hong Kong, after they left another three friends from KL came to visit me and Piet.

Joop and Ankie should remember Maggie! She came to visit us in Hoorn before. Her twin sister is called Winnie. My dad called them 'two pretty ladies from Hong Kong'.
Four of us used to spend a lot of time together in Melbourne but last 8 years we were always living in different countries. We were so excited to have this 'reunion' after all these years.

I took them to the old town of Ipoh. Here are some more photos taken on that day.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

voor Papa

Mama asked me to show off my strong arms to Papa.

and my big smiles. So that Papa knows I am fit again.

Mama bought a new swimming outfit. She wanted me to ask Papa whether she look sexy. But I don't know what sexy means, I only know she is my mama and feed me when I am hungry for milk.

Mama then went swimming in an outdoor pool.

I couldn't join coz Mama said I just recovered from a flu. My uncle look after me and I was only allowed to go this close to the swimming pool.

But I really wanted to go inside the pool and splash water. So I decided to show a long face to Mama. Then she promised when I am well again she will bring me into the water.

My niece Kei Kei

My 10 year-old niece loves playing with Piet and become his little baby sitter too : )

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Piet and my friends

I met up briefly with my close friends in KL. It is the first time they meet Piet.

DSC_0684 This is Lan Chiee

I love this shot...his two little front teeth!
Piet & Hui Lee

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Piet was in hospital


After we came back to Ipoh from Muar, Piet was still unwell and the fever came back on Sunday evening. The next day the light fever was still there and coughing just turned much more serious. I could see his eyes were sinking and losing focus. His breathing was very quick and shallow. There were lots of flames deeep inside his lung. He wouldn't eat or play.

I was really worried the flu had triggered any viral infection in his lung. Piet had been unwell for four/five days. So I brought him to see the doctor on Monday morning and after examanination, he advised me to bring Piet to hospital for further check up. Well, the health system here is very different from Europe. When they say hospital here, it means private hospital.

In the end we spent one night in the hospital. Piet had a blood test and a chest x-ray. The doctor said his lung was slightly infected. I have to say it was not a pleasant experience to spend the night in the hospital. Here the doctor always prescribe lots of medicine for every flu symptoms. We were woken up in the middle of the night for medicines! I thought it was too much amd at some point I found it totally unbearable.

The next day Piet's temperature went back to normal and he seems much more alert and playful, I am confident that Piet can go home and recover slowly at home. I went against the doctor advice and told the doctor: I WANT TO LEAVE NOW. (The doctor asked us to stay for another a day or two) Since it is a private hospital, I am not surprised they have the tendency to ask you to stay longer than neccessary, as the longer you stay the more you have to pay.

Don't worry, Piet is much better now. Although still coughing, he has returned to his naughty and playful mode! : ) When he is well, he could never stop crawling and playing with my niece and nephew.

I was happy I have the support from my family too. When we returned home from the hospital, I felt totally exhausted (I hardly slept the night before) and Piet and I have a very long afternoon nap.

The staff at the hospital adored him so much...

The Wedding


It was very moving to see my little sis dressed as a beautiful bride. As some of you may know, although my sister and I have completely different interest and personalities, we are always very close to each other.

The wedding was held at the hometown of the groom. It follows the traditional Chinese ceremony, where the groom will come to 'pick up' the bride and a tea ceremony will be held for the family of the bride. Then the they went to the home of the groom and another tea ceremony to be held there for the family. It is not easy to explain in detail, may be one day one of you can come with me to attend a wedding here :)

Click on this link to see more photos!