Monday, June 7, 2010

Friends from Hong Kong

Sorry for not updating the blog for a while. I was really busy with visitors! First two good friends from Hong Kong, after they left another three friends from KL came to visit me and Piet.

Joop and Ankie should remember Maggie! She came to visit us in Hoorn before. Her twin sister is called Winnie. My dad called them 'two pretty ladies from Hong Kong'.
Four of us used to spend a lot of time together in Melbourne but last 8 years we were always living in different countries. We were so excited to have this 'reunion' after all these years.

I took them to the old town of Ipoh. Here are some more photos taken on that day.

1 comment:

Gesang Medok 格桑花 said...

let's not wait for another 8 years before 4 of us meet again.. i almost feel teary for such precious friendship and stronger connection among us!
let's cut half.. try to meet 4 or even every 2 years.. all four of us (5) now with little P