Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Piet was in hospital


After we came back to Ipoh from Muar, Piet was still unwell and the fever came back on Sunday evening. The next day the light fever was still there and coughing just turned much more serious. I could see his eyes were sinking and losing focus. His breathing was very quick and shallow. There were lots of flames deeep inside his lung. He wouldn't eat or play.

I was really worried the flu had triggered any viral infection in his lung. Piet had been unwell for four/five days. So I brought him to see the doctor on Monday morning and after examanination, he advised me to bring Piet to hospital for further check up. Well, the health system here is very different from Europe. When they say hospital here, it means private hospital.

In the end we spent one night in the hospital. Piet had a blood test and a chest x-ray. The doctor said his lung was slightly infected. I have to say it was not a pleasant experience to spend the night in the hospital. Here the doctor always prescribe lots of medicine for every flu symptoms. We were woken up in the middle of the night for medicines! I thought it was too much amd at some point I found it totally unbearable.

The next day Piet's temperature went back to normal and he seems much more alert and playful, I am confident that Piet can go home and recover slowly at home. I went against the doctor advice and told the doctor: I WANT TO LEAVE NOW. (The doctor asked us to stay for another a day or two) Since it is a private hospital, I am not surprised they have the tendency to ask you to stay longer than neccessary, as the longer you stay the more you have to pay.

Don't worry, Piet is much better now. Although still coughing, he has returned to his naughty and playful mode! : ) When he is well, he could never stop crawling and playing with my niece and nephew.

I was happy I have the support from my family too. When we returned home from the hospital, I felt totally exhausted (I hardly slept the night before) and Piet and I have a very long afternoon nap.

The staff at the hospital adored him so much...


Sylvia said...

Dear Yein, wish for a good recover to full breathing again for Piet. Hospitals aren't the nicest experiences, I know myself.
Sending you positive energy....and all the best with your time in M'sia.

len said...

yes yein, the private hospitals in malaysia are infamous for being greedy and making people suffer unnecessary trauma for nothing.
one of my friends' little girl kind of broke her arm one day and was sent to hospital fatimah in ipoh. it was midnight, they made the mother and the girl stay for the night, doing all kinds of stuff, claiming that it was very serious, that they had to perform a surgery next day,bla bla bla,
instead, the girl was really ok. nothing broken, nothing bad. but since she had spent one night there, doing x-ray and all, it cost my friend 3000 ringgit.

well done yein.
let little p drink some菊花茶+honey ,
I shall send all my love, all my thoughts through reiki to him,
go on enjoy your stay in malaysia,
very brave mother and son.

Tini said...

Ik ben blij dat Piet goed weer. Ik kan me voorstellen dat het een angstig avontuur voor u en uw gezin. Leuk om je zus trouwfoto te zien.
Liefde en groeten,

Yein said...

Sylvia: Thanks so much! Kiss from Piet, let's meet again in the summer.

Len: Thanks for sharing the story, Oh yes, Fatimah hospital is famous in Ipoh. Another one is called Ipoh Specialist Hospital, it has a nick name '大白鯊‘ - means greedy for money.

Ah, No wonder Piet is in full energy again today. He just could not stop playing and crawling... :)Thanks so much

Tini: I can more or less understand your writing. Bedankt! Greetings to you too. Thanks for the support.